Our crazy quilt group has lost a dear and talented "sister." Mary was a gifted artist and her talent unequaled. She was able to create in any form of needle art and loved to recreate the beauty around her onto fabric. She was a gifted artist in oils as well and her paintings are magnificient.
Her last crazy quilt was "The Mighty Oak." Her inspiration was taken from one of the Piecemaker Calendars and she added her very own touch of Texas in each of the blocks. She entered our local Quilt Show the year it was completed and won every ribbon. It was a true work of art!
We are planning an article for CQMagOnline.com in memory of Mary and have permission to include photos of "The Mighty Oak." You will want to log on in April - you will truly be inspired as we have been. We will miss Mary but her presence lives on through all the many treasures she has created.
CQMagOnline is a quarterly publication and absolutely free to anyone who would like to look through the articles. Just click on the live link and then "current issue." I would be remiss if I didn't thank Rissa, our editor, for her dedication. It has been a wonderful resource for crazy quilting for many years