Although I've lived in this area of Texas all my life I never look forward to hurricane season. Hurricane Carla hit 47 years ago doing major damage in our area. Since that time we've had the occasional tropical storm but nothing catastrophic.
It seems only yesterday that we were preparing for Hurricane Ike. It's been over three weeks and we are still dealing with some of the issues resulting from the storm and unpacking boxes we evacuated along with us.
Compared with many people in this area we were truly blessed. Our boat road out

the storm amazingly well with absolutely no damage. We thank God for His blessings and pray for those less fortunate.
Here is a picture of one of the boats in the marina about 500 feet from ours. Tornadoes are responsible for much of the damage at the marina.
On a better note.. the staff of CQMagOnline is preparing articles for the October issue. I have a final article on the Ideas and Inspiration Challenge including many photos. This article is based on the fabulous work done by my local crazy quilt bee.
With the Christmas season fast approaching I've written an article on how to make a mother of pearl brooch. Start collecting your small buttons now.
The BOI (Block of the Issue) will be a block that I designed for the 2007 ArtBra Ladies wall hanging.
And last, but certainly not least, an article on Ginny Eckley and her silk screening process. Ginny is an extremely gifted artist and I thoroughly enjoyed her two-day class.
Some of the best and most talented are contributing articles for this upcoming issue. Mark your calendars for the end of October and be ready to be inspired.